As the first woman to be Japan's foreign minister, Ms. Tanaka, 57, had won legions of followers by criticizing Japan's conservative old guard.
At the Idylwood Plaza mall in this leafy suburb of Washington, the new parking places have won legions of fans.
The jump (and the crash) had won him legions of fans as well as regular appearances on ABC's Wide World of Sports.
Kyle Mills continues to explore the controversial subjects that have won him legions of fans and accolades around the globe.
Kevin Martin has won legions of fans in curling-mad Canada.
That was not the kind of insight that got David on talk shows or the best-seller list, but it won him legions of admirers in Washington.
In 2011, Gulf News ranked him as second on their list of top video game characters, adding that "his no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners attitude won him legions of fans."
The store's design is fairly bland compared with the suave styling that has won Apple's products legions of loyal fans over the years.
He brought a gentlemanly and authoritative style to restaurant reviewing, never strident, never mean, and in doing so, won legions of loyal followers.
In curling-mad Canada, Martin has won legions of fans with a disarming smile and his aw-shucks farm-boy charm.