He won largely by running up the totals in his city council district, and was handily elected in November.
Average weekly attendances dropped from a high of 50 to a low of 20: its members having perhaps thought its battles largely won.
Crawford's foot regiments provided invaluable support to Cromwell's cavalry, who largely won the battle.
Dodge, on the other hand, plans to win over Europeans largely on its reputation as a muscular American brand.
He won largely by capitalizing on discontent about the economy.
The point is that Democrats are largely winning the battle of ideas: on the issues, public opinion is shifting in their direction.
This time, he largely won that debate, but to placate the old-timers, he accepted a compromise.
President Bush is seeking to speed up tax cuts that he previously won largely for wealthy families.
Mr. Goode won in 1983 largely by depending on a coalition of blacks, white liberals and business leaders.
He largely won the event by throwing a 51-yard pass in snowy conditions.