Unfortunately, this was a little above young Larry's head but he lived to tell the tale and won kudos from his peers.
Their pioneering efforts had won them attention and kudos.
Although she won many awards, competitions, and kudos, she passed up an opportunity to study music full time to pursue a degree in political science.
In addition to that role, he won kudos for his performance as a serial killer on Criminal Minds.
This program has won kudos in the community:
Both of the seafood treats, though, won kudos.
As you would expect, behaviors like these seldom won them kudos from bosses, coworkers, family members, or even grade-school teachers.
It is bringing out a revised lineup of new cars that has won kudos from the trade press.
For this, he won kudos from those critical of astronomical pay packages for corporate leaders.
The product wins kudos because it is not just for the refund anticipation loans.