Making appeals that win support from Republican voters has always been a Lieberman tactic.
Bush won solid support from Republicans in Congress and from conservative voters in his 2004 reelection campaign.
Mr. Pataki said he had won a mandate from voters not only to cut taxes, but also to cut spending.
Mr. Kerry won strong support from unions and voters who said the economy was their biggest concern, surveys of voters showed.
If a district wants to spend more money for additional programs, the Whitman plan requires that it win approval from local voters.
With only one final chance to win approval from voters for their budgets, these four Long Island districts have heightened last-minute efforts to gain passage.
He has begun to win some sympathy from white voters, but only 4 percent said they would vote for him.
It also encompasses issues crucial to his efforts to win support from moderate voters, like increased spending on education.
Smith won the election easily as a result of overwhelming Mormon support from voters in Nauvoo.