Neither is a household name, and their efforts to win support from fellow Democrats, while vigorous, are all but subterranean.
But in the process, they seemed to be diminishing their chances of winning support from moderate Republicans and conservative Democrats.
However, the House proposal fell short by nearly two dozen votes, largely because it didn't win enough support from Democrats.
As a result, Leach traditionally won large numbers of crossover votes from Democrats and was expected to do so again.
The measure provided Federal funds to train the unemployed poor for jobs in private industry and has won general praise from Democrats and Republicans.
A Democratic Congressional official said the proposal had won backing from Democrats on the Senate intelligence committee.
The committee had won annual extensions each year, despite some institutional opposition, especially from southern Democrats.
It is unclear whether the White House can win enough support from Democrats to pass a compromise budget if the party's liberal wing objects.
Mr. Breaux said he hoped to win support from several other Democrats, so the package would have more than the 11 votes needed for approval.
Calm and precise in demeanor, he won accolades even from liberal Democrats in Congress.