The CD sleeve is the final piece of artwork by Richie Andrews, who won several awards for the project.
Nevertheless, they won approval for the project.
The architect Artur Szalatnai was selected by winning a competition for the project of a new synagogue.
He sought and won an award for the project from The Sloan Foundation to conduct a feasibility conference.
In the meantime, he is waiting for a $200,000 state and Federal grant he won for the project.
Instead of pandering, he should use his considerable skills as a salesman to win support for the project.
With measures like these, we are sure to win the backing of our citizens for the European project.
Julian Kane, a Hofstra University geology professor who opposed the 1998 plan, said the revisions did nothing to win his support for the project.
To win approval for the project, his workers had to hold up the boards they wanted to erect while someone from the commission stood in Central Park.
With the help of the pilot Ellissen, he manages to win the support of the Lennartz-Werke for the project.