Elliot won distinction for his actions and official praise from Perry, and was given command of the Erie fleet the next month.
He won a Military Cross for his actions at Gallipoli in 1915.
Trautmann won five medals for his actions on the Eastern Front, including an Iron Cross First Class.
A strong pharaoh would not explain his motives to the people, or seek to win their approval for his actions.
The government won approval for its actions in a national referendum with 321,000 in favor and only 54,000 opposed.
Like Oullette, he would also win the Medal of Honor for his actions.
Over 100 soldiers from Pennsylvania units would win the Medal of Honor for their actions during the conflict.
Colonel Merritt was one of two Canadians who won the Victoria Cross for their actions at Dieppe.
The two captains won the VC for their actions.
Some psychological theories hold that a person's life is largely made up of attempts to win praise for their actions.