Buol won the first election for mayor of Las Vegas by ten votes.
Colton Morman, who was 18 at the time, won the 2009 election for mayor of Dawson with 29 votes or 53.7 percent.
The town was made notable when an 11-year-old named Brian Zimmerman won an unofficial election for mayor in 1983.
In the 1884 city election, he won the contest for mayor as a citizen's candidate.
He won a 15-way race for mayor in November 2011.
Cohen won the election for mayor.
In 2009 the English Democrat candidate, Peter Davies, won the election for mayor.
Rahm Emanuel won the race for mayor with more than 55% of the vote.
He won his 13th election for mayor April 5, 2011, with 58 percent of the vote in a three-way race.
She has not won an election since her successful campaign for mayor in 1979, losing two subsequent campaigns for re-election.