As a result, the victims' families won compensation after more than a decade.
In desperation the couple have turned to a new solicitor, the same man who won compensation for their neighbour two years ago.
Others have rioted to win compensation for village lands turned into industrial parks.
Residents have been fighting for years with California power companies over the earthquakes, occasionally winning modest financial compensation.
She describes how life has changed, and her struggle to win compensation.
After the war Harford made strenuous efforts to win compensation but without success.
They claimed they were discriminated against because of their age and won compensation in March 2006.
The last time a Spanish artist tried to claim a copyright to a "magical" act, they also failed to win compensation.
However, during a lengthy case ending in 2010, customers won compensation against the company.
Drzewiecki won compensation, but later said the incident made it "extremely difficult for him to work again as a primary teacher."