Thessaloniki has a rich sporting history with its teams winning the first ever panhellenic association football, basketball, and water polo tournaments.
So we have to manage a lot of other ego things other than trying to win basketball.
But, as expected, it was winning basketball for Connecticut.
They completed the first ever Northern Nevada 4A Region Triple Crown in 2007 after winning the football, basketball, and baseball titles.
Levski Sofia is the only Bulgarian club which has won the European Champions' Cup in two different team sports - basketball and volleyball.
While Notre Dame is new to this level, it is not a stranger to winning basketball.
Mesrobian has won league championships in boys and girls basketball, girls volleyball, and boys soccer.
We lost three very tough games that we played winning basketball.
He won in 5:31 but still preferred playing soccer as well as basketball.
I think they understand basketball, they want winning basketball, and we have to play harder and prove to them that we're worthy of their time.