Hadn't Jeb Stuart proved time and again that fear never won an engagement for any man or any army?
On the way, during 3 to 5 February, close to Siwa, the armoured cars won an engagement against the Senussi.
By contrast, air power in Golan is often the key to winning a given engagement.
Lee stubbornly maintained that the army to which he'd pledged his service could never win a major engagement against crack British and Hessian units.
The Sikh forces won an engagement near the city but were unable to capture Muzaffar Khan before he retreated into the fort.
He invaded Sweden four times; successfully defended Norway from attack; and, though without any particular military talent, won an engagement at Nysaker in 1644.
But Virginia prayed it would not come to that, for she knew they could not win an engagement with any British troops.
On November 5, 1874, Mackenzie's forces won a minor engagement, his last, with the Comanches.
Nimitz, for his part, could not hope to win a direct engagement.
Nimitz ... could not hope to win a direct engagement.