And perhaps it's possible for the majority of American to willingly suspend their collective disbelief one more time.
Once you willingly suspend your disbelief about giving them up, anything can happen.
We willingly suspended our disbelief and went there for dinner.
After all, if listeners won't willingly suspend disbelief during the holiday season, when will they?
At times human beings willingly suspend consideration of moral values, although in a limited domain.
As always, his characters are so real they spare us the task of willingly suspending disbelief.
We don't willingly suspend disbelief.
Offill's fresh voice, endearing and quirky, makes you willingly suspend disbelief.
While adults willingly suspend their disbelief while watching a television program, children often have no disbelief to suspend.
Willingly suspend your distaste for the profligacy of it all and - guaranteed - you'll walk away feeling just a little bit dowdy.