He willingly endures sacrifices as the price he believes he must pay for his faith to be vindicated.
I willingly endure this only for the sake of my great goal and not for his sake.
There are many of my people who would willingly endure much in order to achieve far less.
And if thou didst seriously consider the future pains of hell, I believe thou wouldest willingly endure toil or pain and fear not discipline.
Nature and Purpose deals primarily with an unhappy housewife's religious faith being tested by nightmarish circumstances which church dogma teaches she must willingly endure.
But it was use most men willingly endure, at least for a while.
Trauma endured willingly and in a context of meaning and purpose may yield fewer casualties.
I am mad to think that I can bear the burning that I've suffered and that I could willingly endure it once again.
Climbing up might earn her scratched and bloody palms, injuries she'd willingly endure if the crystal ceiling opened wide enough for her to slip through and swim to safety.
No one would willingly endure it twice and someone carrying this weapon rarely has to use it.