Plennafrey looked stricken at the idea that she could willingly commit murder.
I know you think marriage is an institution for the insane, but one day I'm going to willingly commit myself.
But negative interest rates had, until now, only been present in short-term markets; investors willingly committing themselves to 10 years of them was previously unheard of.
In general, one who willingly commits an averia is liable for their actions.
No country willingly commits suicide, and neither will Israel.
Nothing could have prepared her to accept the idea that Tuvok would willingly commit suicide.
Mark me: you must seem to do that fearfully which you commit willingly, despise profit where you have most gain.
Why do intelligent, healthy young men willingly commit acts designed to punish the spirit and the flesh?
"I don't believe Tony to be someone that would willingly commit a crime," Marino said.