The origin of the name Termagant is unknown, and does not seem to derive from any actual aspect of Muslim belief or practice, however wildly distorted.
Rational responses wildly distorted, beyond my control . . . because something alien is controlling me.
Imperial fashions tended to reach it later, and gossip was usually wildly distorted by the time it reached the outpost of civilization.
It certainly has been wildly distorted.
The interviews with Nayirah revealed that her original testimony was wildly distorted at best; she told Kroll that she had actually only seen one baby outside its incubator for "no more than a moment."
He said Iraq still hoped to hold "technical discussions" with the inspectors to settle these questions, which he claimed Mr. Powell had wildly distorted.
The negative savings rate, they say, is wildly distorted.
While the sound of the tape was wildly distorted due to the band playing at a loud volume, Vig could pick out some of the melody and felt the song had promise.
For the 1950 movie The Yellow Cab Man, Weegee contributed a sequence in which automobile traffic is wildly distorted.