The interlopers, game officials say, are the wildlife watchers, whose eagerness to capture bears on film is crowding this corner of wilderness.
When Yellowstone opens fully on May 15, wildlife watchers will find the population of wolves has triple that of last year.
For wildlife watchers, the journey can be an experience of a lifetime, with opportunities to view little-seen animals amid dramatic natural backdrops.
Goose Lake attracts wildlife watchers, campers, and boaters.
Be aware of other wildlife watchers and avoid unnecessarily marring their enjoyment of the animals.
Shuttle buses are aimed at wildlife watchers and day hikers.
Small game in Alaska includes grouse, ptarmigan and hares, animals appreciated by hunters and wildlife watchers.
The Survey also collects demographic data for anglers, hunters and wildlife watchers.
Hosted the launch of Scotland's first legal code of conduct for wildlife watchers, following a successful campaign to secure the relevant legislation.
Most hunters are also avid wildlife watchers.