Although wildlife thrives in the back country, you are much more likely to see cattle than a mountain lion.
Deer, grouse, songbirds and other wildlife thrive with the abundant food and cover.
Large mammalian wildlife thrived generally in Nebraska during the Ice Age.
Exotic wildlife also thrives in the hills, for those who need more than just the smell of cardamom growing to get their juices flowing.
Fish are abundant and safe to eat, and wildlife is thriving.
Native plants and wildlife thrived in perfect balance.
"Sometimes even I find it hard to believe that all this wildlife is thriving so close to development," Ms. Johnson said.
He says that the lack of human influence means that wildlife is thriving in the zone.
It comes after the National Trust said some wildlife was thriving despite the irregular weather patterns.
By improving habitat, the Service ensures that wildlife will thrive on the refuge.