He grew up in Abilene, Texas, where his family owned and operated a miniature horse ranch and wildlife rescue.
ACCB is the "first nature conservation and endangered wildlife rescue and breeding centre" in the country.
If you have rescued an animal we recommend you contact a local wildlife rescue or rehabilitation centre for advice and assistance.
This is sadly becoming common practice- wildlife 'rescue' in many countries is just a new way to collect wildlife for zoos.
During her college years, Münter was also a volunteer at a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center.
"Connecticut is a bad place to be a wild animal," said Steven Gambini, an associate director of the North American Wildlife Association, a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation organization.
He is given a job at the Misty Island Oceanic Reserve, a local wildlife rescue and research institute where Randolph, his Native American mentor from the movie, now works.
This is why any wildlife rescue should be handled by an expert in the field.
In 2001, Palmer founded a 501(c)3 charity Wild and Wooly dedicated to wildlife rescue and rehabilitation.
It is an animal rescue (including wildlife rescue), rehabilitation and adoption operation, whose physical plant is situated at Coyote Point in the city of San Mateo.