He has a doctorate in wildlife ecology.
Dr. Ghiglieri, who has a doctorate in wildlife ecology from the University of California, Davis, finds useful lessons in human tragedy.
"There's a 50 percent chance when we're studying rodents, we'll discover a new species," said Mr. Greenwood, who plans to study wildlife ecology in college.
He got his Ph.D. in wildlife science and is now an associate professor of wildlife ecology at Michigan State University.
"The simple interpretation is that genetic rescue doesn't work," said Dr. Vucetich, an assistant professor of wildlife ecology at Michigan Technological University.
James Gilbert, a professor of wildlife ecology and president of the faculty senate, said in an interview yesterday that the faculty was not unalterably opposed to distance learning.
The clinic coordinates its efforts with graduate students from ecology, environmental design, wildlife ecology, and other disciplines.
He has contributed scientific papers and articles on wildlife ecology and behaviour in national and international journals.
This kind of mating "is a very rare event," said Charles Meslow, a professor of wildlife ecology at Oregon State University.
He then attended the University of Michigan and received an M.S. in wildlife ecology in 1970.