The focuses of the Federation include migratory bird conservation, wildlife disease and general wildlife management.
The Ministry of Natural Resources also aids the Wildlife Federation in the management of wildlife diseases.
The program represents APHIS' first line of defense against wildlife diseases that can move to humans and livestock.
"Avian Cholera in Cedar Waxwings in Ohio", Journal of wildlife diseases, 8: 106.
For information about wildlife diseases, click on "Species," above.
Managing wildlife disease is a major problem in the nation's parks, which are charged with protecting threatened and endangered species.
They remain the major cause of wildlife diseases and economic crisis in livestock industry, and human socio-economic problems in developing countries.
Describes highly pathogenic avian influenza and explains why this wildlife disease is of concern to health scientists and the public.
This news service focuses on wildlife diseases and wildlife morbidity/mortality, especially as they relate to human and ecosystem health.
Journal of wildlife diseases, 29(1): 165-168.