There was a wild flurry of black and white-she was struggling with someone.
She started to sit up, and the birds exploded into a wild flurry of flapping wings.
Up scrambled the three battleragers, their little legs pumping under them in a wild flurry.
Suddenly, there was a wild flurry of wings.
Rodeo was more cautious now, holding his fists up, but not wasting any energy on wild flurries.
They grew larger and blended into one and the car rushed by in a wild flurry of sound.
And, as the wild wonderful flurries of imagination began to come, continued to tell her.
Then the fish darted off and began a wild flurry, for it was dying.
Then the assassin went into a wild flurry, sword waving and bringing up an opaque wall.
In the second round, he unleashed a wild flurry in the opening seconds.