A wild Irishman, named Farrell, one evening began to say something at a large supper at Cambridge, Matthews roared out "Silence!"
An early member of squad, George Roudebush, referred to the team as being run "by a bunch of wild Irishmen".
Castellano essentially handed over control of several low-level organized-crime figures to the wild young Irishmen.
He was a wild Irishman, all right, but underneath he was quite canny.
A most attractive chap - a wild Irishman - you never could tell what he was going to do next.
Only his true friends understood that behind this forbidding, somewhat severe exterior there lurked a wild Irishman, dying to break cover.
The very expression on the face was what had been on Billy's the day of the picnic when he faced the three wild Irishmen.
They're Germans and Poles and wild Irishmen who talk Gaelic.
"You're like a wild Irishman: you couldn't stay out of a fight whatever the odds!"
No one flew exactly like the wild Irishman.