With genteel aloofness, his wife rose gracefully from her chair and strolled to the nearest shelf of books.
Mr. Frenzel would eventually give the gift of holding their place in line while his wife strolled Court Street.
My wife, Bun, and I were strolling along a beach the other day when I suddenly pointed in the direction of her feet and shouted, "Look!"
ONE day last spring, my wife and I were strolling hand-in-hand along the New Haven shore.
On pleasant days officers and their wives strolled from the garrison to the palace, where they were shown around by whoever happened to be there.
Mr. Browning, a British art teacher, was on holiday when he saw his future wife, a New York social worker, strolling on a beach.
Army tailors pedal past on rusting bicycles, and officers' wives stroll beneath brightly colored parasols, chatting languidly as they go.
In the morning, the wife strolled there, not a recipe on her mind.
My wife and I strolled through one dozen spectral cityscapes in a week.
Sometimes, General Taheri and his wife strolled by.