Timon's wife, Mary, bitterly resented intrusions at weekends.
This wouldn't be the first time a wife resented her husband working long hours.
I can imagine how your wife will resent and envy me.
Their children are having difficulty adapting to new schools and their wife resents the renewed social and familial obligations she has in Japanese society.
They write that the young wives "resent the older wives whose husbands take up precious playing time from theirs."
His wife resented his absence, he said, and so did their three daughters, who were teen-agers most of that time.
I resented, and my wife resented, people interposing themselves in our relationship and telling her how she ought to feel.
His wife, Amélie, resents Gertrude because the pastor dedicates more attention to Gertrude than to their five children.
Lots of husbands are unkind and unfeeling and their wives resent it and it makes them very unhappy.
Mr. Kapasi's wife resents her husband's job because he works at the doctor's clinic that previously failed to cure their son of typhoid fever.