Trotsky and his wife then relocated to another house in Coyoacán where, in 1940, he was assassinated.
He and his wife, Sharon, and their four children will relocate to Florida.
The show's final gallery contains works made for the most part after 1933, when he and his wife relocated to Paris.
He and his wife relocated to Austin, where the commission meets and conducts its business.
Paul and his wife then relocated to Texas, where he began a private practice in obstetrics and gynecology.
Tchicai and his wife relocated to Davis, California, in 1991, where he led several ensembles.
His wife and children relocated with him to Australia.
His second wife, Anna, relocated with him to Venice, Florida in 1961.
Schorr and his wife relocated to Los Angeles in 1999.
By 1928, Fuller and his wife had relocated to Cincinnati to continue the business there, but it ultimately foundered.