His wife of nine years obtained a divorce last year after he was denied a transfer to Florida.
After much solicitation, his wife obtained from the king an order for her husband's release on November 10, 1772, but it came too late.
Robert's third wife was seven years his senior and had obtained a degree in obstetrics.
The wife had obtained a separation order containing a non-cohabitation clause from the magistrates' court.
Significantly, in 1758, his wife obtained a separation from him for cruelty, which would have been extremely rare for the time.
I'd forgotten that, somehow, the wife of Uriel's navigator had obtained a personal appointment.
In spite of this, wives frequently obtained divorces, usually after they had already made arrangements with another man.
In November 1933 his wife obtained a divorce.
His wife obtained permission to bury his body at Owthorpe.
Alexander's wife obtained an $133,000 profit from her $8,900 investment in a company created to privatize prisons.