He allegedly also mentioned corporate boards his wife could be appointed to, for which she could receive $150,000 a year compensation.
In April 2011, his wife was appointed dean of graduate studies at Fresno State.
His wife, Donata, and his three daughters were appointed by him as co-executrices.
His wife Dena A. Smith was appointed to succeed him.
A few years later his new wife Olave became involved and, in 1918, was appointed Chief Guide.
He was elected posthumously, and his wife, Jean, was appointed to the seat.
His wife, Jean Carnahan, was appointed to the Senate seat.
He retired from the position as professor in 1975, incidentally the same year that his wife was appointed to the Institute of History.
By the time we were married, the next year, my wife had been appointed chairman of Columbia Pictures.
One example was in around 1950, when he and his wife were both appointed to the groups designing the new national emblem.