During this time he and his wife established their family home in southwest London.
In recent years he and his wife, Carolyn, established a charitable foundation to provide money for educational, religious and health-care projects.
His wife established a school in the village, which can still be seen.
By 1903, the family had moved to Alderney, where his wife later established a private nursing home; however, the couple separated about this time.
A year later, he and his wife established a small business in real estate.
He and his wife established a sanatorium with 90 beds and a church in Bethlehem.
Also, his wife and friends have established a Foundation named after him.
And what kind of household will your little orphan wife establish for you in Basilica?
Hendrix and his wife established a school the same year.
Over the next year, he and his wife established an after-school program, a scholarship and a nonprofit foundation in their son's name.