Stewart married his wife Victoria in 1993 and has four sons.
David has two children, a boy and a girl, with his wife Victoria, a food writer.
His wife Victoria further developed the garden and specimen tree plantings.
He met and married his wife Victoria in October 1960.
He employs his wife Victoria as senior parliamentary assistant.
The 36-year-old took all three of his boys to the beach, while wife Victoria stayed at home with their newborn .
His wife Victoria, once supportive, now is struggling to pay bills.
These successes were dealt a bitter turn by the death of his wife Victoria, on May 28, 1949, following which he retired as a performer.
He was married to his wife Victoria for 58 years before her death in 2006, and they had three children and eight grandchildren.
Barrow and his wife Victoria were divorced in 2005.