He was interred in Mountain View Cemetery, alongside his beloved wife Jennie, of many years.
Five years later, he opened up the "original Joe's Restaurant" in the front room of the bungalow he shared with his wife Jennie on Biscayne Street.
Stanley E. Yearwood and his wife Jennie, both 82, were seated at their dinner table, in 7E, when the apartment shook.
His wife Jennie had died six years earlier in 1921.
She was the only daughter of Sir Reginald Arthur Gamble and his wife Jennie.
His wife Jennie and two children live in Calgary, Alberta.
The cottage, built in 1873, housed Henry and his wife Jennie until the larger house was built in 1885.
In 1873 he and his wife Jennie (Melasky) built a one-story limestone cottage on the lot west of this site.
During the European speedway season he is based in Hallstavik, Sweden with his wife Jennie and 3 sons Wilbur & Bill.
He then went on to catering college in Thanet where he met his wife Jennie.