In 1952, Gadsden gave cut Yogos to President Harry Truman, his wife Bess, and their daughter Margaret.
On December 3, 1958, Greenbaum and his wife Bess were found dead in their Phoenix home.
His wife Bess died in 1933, at only 48 years old, and Ole Evinrude died the following year, 57 years old.
One reason was that he had put his wife Bess on the payroll and he didn't want her name "drug over the front pages of the papers".
Additionally, he was criticized for having his wife Bess on the payroll.
It was named after Henry J. Kaiser's wife Bess.
Simon is the son of Jewish American real estate developer Melvin Simon and his first wife Bess (nee Meshulam).
Brian La Rosa and his wife Bess were seen as patrons at the hotel bar where Trixie St. Claire was performing.
President Harry Truman's wife Bess completely gutted the residence, and the renovation lasted almost the entire administration, from 1945 to 1953.
In the illusion, an assistant (Houdini employed his wife Bess) is locked inside a large box or trunk, often after being restrained with handcuffs, ropes, bags, etc.