His friend's widow wept, his small boys were unnaturally still, confused and heartbroken.
When the widow weeps tenderly beside her husband's coffin, we think that she is crying because she feels her loss so keenly.
Throughout the day, the 50-year-old widow waits and weeps, before returning at sunset to the refugee camp where she now lives.
The two widows, dressed in black, wept in each other's arms.
Irving Flax's widow, Marilyn, wept in court as Judge Gaeta issued his decision.
At several points during the trial, Mr. Halversen's widow wept openly.
The widow of the former Philippine president wept when she heard the verdict.
It begins with a child crying and an announcer saying solemnly: "A child cries, parents gone; a widow weeps.
At the Pendola home, the doctor's widow rocked her baby daughter, Catherine, and wept.
At the entrance to the sanctuary, Lieutenant Cavalieri's widow wept.