Oliver Milliron, a recently widowed father of three boys, answers a newspaper ad from a widow in Minneapolis seeking employment.
The widow sought the lawyer's room with children three in tow, She told the lawyer man her tale in tones of deepest woe.
Eventually Mearne's widow sought and obtained the permission of the Privy Council in May 1684 to dispose of them on her family's behalf.
When a widow, bereft of her husband, and deep in his debts, sought to marry anew, she must first slough off his obligations.
Mr. Capps's widow, Lois, is seeking to replace him.
Penn's widow and heirs joined forces against Keith and sought the nomination of a new lieutenant-governor from the crown.
His widow, the Marquise, sought to expose the conspirators, but no government official was ever convicted.
His supposed widow seeks his remains, accompanied by her friend, Major Fossdyke.
It is said that the widows of Marathas and sometimes even other castes sought shelter in the temples as they were forced to follow the Sati tradition.
Ordinarily a 'deserving' widow might have sought the aid of various charities first, but apparently Mrs Woodward's lack of deference made this impossible.