His widow chose the old Granado homeplace at the southeast corner of Main Plaza and Commerce Street in San Antonio.
After his death, when his widow chose to sell the estate, it returned to the market in 2004 with an estimated price of around £11m.
He had died unexpectedly from a heart attack at sea at the beginning of another Antarctic expedition, and his widow chose South Georgia as his final resting place.
Left as the beneficiary of great wealth, Yount's widow, Pansy, mired in controversy in Beaumont, chose Kentucky as the place she would start anew.
Humphrey's widow, Muriel, who held the seat as an interim appointee, chose not to run for election, and Mr. Durenberger resoundingly defeated Bob Short, the Democratic-Farmer-Labor candidate.
His widow and fellow artist, Lee Krasner, had chosen a small boulder from a pile behind their house to serve as a headstone, but she was dissatisfied with it.
The widow usually chooses the man who is to father the child with the younger woman.
Widows were expected to wear special clothes to indicate that they were in mourning for up to four years after the death, although a widow could choose to wear such attire for the rest of her life.
His widow, Anna-Maria St Albyn, did not choose to live in so isolated a place, and her great nephew, heir to the estate, was still a child.
Not surprisingly, many widows chose to commit suicide when their husbands died.