His widow bequeathed the royalties from his music to the American Academy of Arts and Letters for the Charles Ives Prize.
In her will, his widow bequeathed these works to a future Giacometti Foundation, which would have its own museum.
Recently, as it happens, a wealthy widow bequeathed her entire inheritance to the Church, with the specific stipulation that I was to have control of its disposition.
His widow, Marie, bequeathed the records to the archives before she died in 1984.
In 1908, his widow bequeathed it to the Portland Society of Art (now Portland Museum of Art).
After his death, his widow, Julie Hoel, bequeathed most of the collection to Gentofte Municipality.
His widow, Glenda, bequeathed his ashes to the city of Swansea.
After his death, his widow bequeathed a portion of his private book collection to the city library, and a Uhlenhorst street is named after him.
His widow, the former Rachael Fane, bequeathed the estate to her nephew Sir Henry Fane.
It was recorded in 1786 that in 1737 Lady Mary Bertie, widow of the 2nd Earl of Abingdon had bequeathed £100 for a school in the parish of Albury.