In recent years, this view has become increasingly accepted due to the widespread reliance on free, advertising-based services from a growing number of firms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter.
The development of plantations in the 1890s, and widespread reliance on credit, took place against fluctuating prices and supply levels, culminating in saturation of the international market around the start of the 20th century.
Because of higher prices for natural gas, the widespread reliance on metering of liquid hydrocarbons, and other reasons, it is important to remove all nonsolution gas from crude oil during field processing.
And it seems reasonable that a widespread reliance on them for emotional comfort may be a result of a society that is in some way impoverished in its human connections.
The large numbers and widespread reliance on such systems by all of the Nation's critical infrastructures represent a systemic threat to their continued operation following an EMP event.
Of particular concern to such Christians are the current widespread reliance on non-renewable resources, habitat destruction, pollution, and all other factors that contribute to climate change or otherwise threaten the health of the ecosystem.
But it is also possible that mizuko kuyo may be a safety valve, a way of integrating into Japanese life the widespread reliance on abortion as a means of birth control.
In a compliance system, in contrast, there is much less concern for proving a violation took place; indeed widespread reliance on strict liability would make the question of proof relatively straightforward if matters ended up in court.
The failure to detect the problem for several years in so many supposedly secure sites underscores the risks inherent in the increasingly widespread reliance on computers and computer networks for security once performed by mechanical locks and human guards.
The main problem is still the widespread reliance on automobiles, which spew more than half the hydrocarbons in urban air.