Nero supported widespread persecution of Christians, including having his victims fed to the lions during giant spectacles held in the city's remaining amphitheater.
The arrest of a Dau 'wa galvanized us, and we began to plan against the day when there might be a more widespread persecution.
The Jewish persecutions were trivial when compared with the brutal and widespread persecution by the Romans.
There followed Charles's defeat at the battle of Worcester after which there were widespread persecutions.
The popular image of Romanies as tramps and thieves unfit for work contributed to their widespread persecution.
There were so few Protestants in Spain that widespread persecution of Protestantism was not physically possible.
The NDH rule over Bosnia led to widespread persecution and genocide.
The junta ramped up the "dirty war", combining widespread persecution of political dissidents with state terrorism.
During the period of Portuguese colonisation, the Moors suffered widespread persecution.
The events that followed entailed widespread right-wing persecution of leftist elements (White Terror).