This led to a popular belief that no significant wars would happen in the future, an era of widespread optimism.
He said there was a spirit of ebullient patriotism in the air, and a resulting widespread optimism despite the city's predicament.
In the late 1980's there was widespread optimism that a deal would soon be struck.
While there is widespread optimism about Eastern Europe becoming a booming car market, that may take time.
Given these diluted expectations, what explains the widespread optimism that peace would make a big economic difference?
For now, the dissatisfaction showing in Seattle is less important than a more widespread public optimism about future economic gains.
Before the Clinton Administration came to power last month, there was widespread optimism here for improved trans-Atlantic ties.
Some Pessimism There was not widespread optimism that the new cooling-off period would ultimately solve the dispute.
But there is hardly widespread optimism here about the Sonics, a team bounced from the playoffs in the first round last season.
After 1945 Bethlehem doubled its steel capacity, a measure of the widespread optimism in the industry.