The widespread nature of the fires suggests that people deliberately started many of them.
The computer security experts are alarmed because of the systematic and widespread nature of the break-ins.
Labor mobility was not a key issue due to the widespread nature of job losses across geographies and industries.
But the widespread nature of this trauma and its graphic documentation may change that, Ms. Kreitzman said.
Anthropologists believe that the belief is extremely old because of the widespread nature of this deity.
What is not in dispute is the widespread nature of the problem.
The widespread nature of heavy rains ranked the storm as a 1-in-100 year event.
But the evidence the Times offered for the widespread nature of that boom was confused and not especially convincing.
The widespread nature of the process took people by surprise; it was assumed that metropolitan growth was a permanent feature of modern society.
They try to break down the stigma still associated with the disease, despite its widespread nature.