He finds no indication of widespread deforestation, and notes that even the Amazon still retains more than 80% of its 1978 tree cover.
But overpopulation and an ensuing struggle for resources caused widespread deforestation, eventually leaving the land nearly barren.
Intensive land development and widespread deforestation have undermined the water-holding capacity of the watershed.
The report warns that the loss of life combined with widespread deforestation is potentially disastrous for the tourist industry.
Despite the widespread deforestation drawing attention in the tropics, across the Northern Hemisphere there are a lot more trees.
This effect is compounded by widespread deforestation for development and farming, which has reduced the number of green plants that absorb carbon dioxide.
During the early 19th century, the human population in its home range increased dramatically, leading to widespread deforestation.
It is likely to benefit from the widespread deforestation in tropical South America.
Extensive logging is causing the widespread deforestation of certain areas of Russia.
April 5 was designated a national holiday in 1946 to encourage tree planting after widespread deforestation in wartime.