Despite the widespread conviction that everything on the Internet should be available free, the site's members contributed $25,000 last year.
Mrs. Clinton's hypocrisy over soft money highlights the widespread conviction in her party that the rules should apply to everyone but Democrats.
This exhibition challenges the current widespread conviction that only a contextual exhibition can do justice to a theme or moment.
Officials attributed the relatively low turnout to a widespread conviction that the accord would pass easily.
There is a widespread conviction in Lagos and other southern towns that a northern Islam has held sway too long.
For this reason, there is a widespread conviction that reintroduction should not be used to compensate for the destruction of existing habitat by developers.
Recent articles have, for the most part, detailed the widespread conviction among most economists that the October decline has no implications for the economy.
One is suggested by the surprisingly widespread conviction among parents that getting a child into some schools is like joining a club.
A major reason for those beliefs may well be a widespread conviction that many key foreign-policy problems have been solved.