The scope of conservators' work has widened in recent years, and is no longer dominated by hands-on conservation.
The economic gap between the rich industrialized north and the poor, more agrarian south has widened in recent years.
But they have widened in recent years with the growing sophistication of most export products.
Parts of the route have been widened in recent years to four lane status.
Although, it has been widened repeatedly in recent years, the road is still rather narrow.
This suggests that horizons in some ways have narrowed not widened in recent years.
The gap in weight between light trucks and cars has widened considerably in recent years.
The merchandise trade deficit, as a result, has widened considerably in recent years, even surpassing the record level reached a decade ago.
But disparities in incomes have widened in recent years, census data show, and many poor people feel increasingly left behind.
That focus has widened in recent years to be more inclusive of global warming issues and how wildlife is reacting to the changing climate.