He was widely rumoured to be Kennedy's favoured successor, but his campaign failed to gain momentum.
He eventually rose to become the head servant of her household, and it was widely rumoured that they were lovers.
Airworld was never finished, though two prototypes are widely rumoured to exist.
It was widely rumoured that Elizabeth lost her virginity with him.
This was never instituted, but was widely rumoured at the time.
While downgrades were widely rumoured, its decision to cut the ratings of some but not all eurozone nations has complicated the political situation.
Kuchma was widely rumoured to have ordered the killing.
It was widely rumoured that he was adopted by the Ceauşescus in 1946.
At the time, he was widely rumoured to have been murdered by Sihanouk's security forces.
McAlpine was widely rumoured on Twitter and other social media to be the person in question.