The following suggestions are widely recommended by dermatologists, who would have a lot less business if we all followed them.
Steroids, which attack the root of asthma, are widely recommended by doctors but they also have side effects and take effect only after about a week.
Over 200,000 men in the US are diagnosed each year, and the radical prostatectomy is still the most widely recommended treatment.
But they were not widely recommended in texts until 1988.
She was also widely recommended by various critics for her elegance and good sense of costume.
Behavioral counseling is widely recommended, with medication, to help smokers quit.
Yet even when important new uses are found, it may be decades before the benefits are confirmed and widely recommended.
It is also widely recommended to be read by prospective monks during their vocational discernment.
Reading it should be widely recommended, as a kind of civic instruction manual for the future citizens of Europe.
Short-selling, of course, can be a risky strategy and is not widely recommended for individual investors.