Galaxian was one of the most widely pirated motherboards during the early 80s.
Indeed, Viagra, the first drug approved for treating erectile dysfunction in men, has been one of the most widely pirated medications in the world.
It also became widely pirated, including in the Soviet Union.
While its sales - 30,000 units - were not high, the game developed a cult following and was widely pirated.
It was then widely pirated as well.
One of the most notorious ways of spreading infection has been the computer game Leisure Suit Larry, which was widely pirated and became infected.
Music and films on cassette tapes and other American products are widely pirated in Thailand.
The film was a great success and sold over 480 copies in Europe and America and was widely pirated.
And not only are cassettes of his music the most popular in China, but they also seem to be the most widely pirated.
"True Lies" and "Speed" have done particularly well, attracting millions of viewers to theaters even though each film had been widely pirated before it arrived.