The T-40 was widely photographed at the time of Operation Barbarossa and also during the defence of Moscow.
Boyd was widely photographed meeting with the Archdiocese to explain the song.
Hannigan had the pools designed this way, unique at the time, in the hope they would be widely photographed, providing free publicity, and it worked.
West was widely photographed and depicted in pinup calendars and artwork.
Many see this widely photographed group, with its lotus temples and chanting monks and nuns, as just an oddity.
It is not clear who took the pictures of Mr. Fischer, but demonstrations at the time were widely photographed.
It was widely photographed and written about, also featuring in various newsreel features.
During its construction, the canal and the city was widely photographed by the noted photographer Max Penson.
The Civil War went on to become the first war widely photographed; in fact, more than a million pictures were made for an image-hungry public.