Now Smith says that what he said was widely misinterpreted.
The work he had done was widely misinterpreted today, his former government reviled by peasants anxious for a chance to act American.
It was widely misinterpreted as suggesting that small firms were particularly important in the process of job generation.
It has even been claimed that the techniques used to detect the activity of mirror neurons have been widely misinterpreted.
Opponents said the law, while limited in scope, would be widely misinterpreted and arbitrarily applied.
Those misleading odds, they say, are then repeated by the media and widely misinterpreted by some family doctors.
The move was widely misinterpreted as a sign that his inquiry was nearly done.
The song was widely misinterpreted as jingoistic, and in connection with the 1984 presidential campaign became the subject of considerable folklore.
Mrs. Schwartz said her views were widely misinterpreted.
(At the time, this was widely misinterpreted as an announcement of Quy's death).