The government is widely distrusted as inept and corrupt, and the elections are a reminder of just who is really in charge.
Unless American claims about weapons discoveries can be independently verified, they will be widely distrusted.
Widely distrusted and feared, even hated.
The police often come under physical attack in black townships, where they are widely distrusted, and have been accused by critics of abetting the violence.
They were not respecters of party lines and the last two in particular were widely distrusted among parliamentary colleagues.
And what information exists is widely distrusted by officials, who say they believe that more than 80 percent of such cases never come to light.
The Catholic Church was widely distrusted by many Americans as a symbol of European autocracy.
Plus Zogby weights the parties based on 2004 exit polls, which is one of several reasons his polls are widely distrusted by other statisticians.
Respected and honored by many,' yet widely distrusted and feared, even hated.
Indeed, they often seem marooned in a society in which they are widely distrusted and disliked.