"The explanation was widely disbelieved."
The EU fleet reports catches of only 12,000 tons, but this is widely disbelieved.
Because Mr. Harari served as the former strongman's "honorary consul," his protestations are widely disbelieved.
French officials have denied all along that a deal was struck, but the denials have been widely disbelieved, Mr. Jenkins said.
His claim was widely disbelieved at the time, and also by most modern historians.
The hectocotyl arm was first described in the biological works of Aristotle, and it was widely disbelieved until its rediscovery in the nineteenth century.
Its conclusion that Oswald, acting alone, killed John Kennedy, is widely disbelieved.
In fact my account of how I had killed the lion, though basically true, was widely disbelieved.
However, these conclusions were immediately debated and critiqued in correspondence to the original journal of publication, and have since come to be widely disbelieved.
The Iraqis claim that they have stuck by the convention, but are widely disbelieved.