Harry Truman, who once was widely despised, is now just as widely beloved.
Mr. Giuliani is widely despised by blacks in this town, and that seems to be fine with him.
As a party politician, Hara had never been the favorite of the conservatives, bureaucrats and military, and he was widely despised by the ultranationalists.
In his 33 years in power, Mr. Zhivkov was widely despised.
They were also widely despised.
For it happens that the 56-year-old developer was both well known and widely despised.
They are heading for a profession that is widely despised and filled with lawyers who wish they weren't.
While the practice itself is widely despised by many spectators and fans alike, some, such as El Cordobés, started their very careers this way.
For years Shockley had preached that whites were genetically superior to blacks, and he was widely despised.
The movie was widely despised by the mainstream country-music community at the time of its release; many artists believed it ridiculed their talent and sincerity.